Dental Implant: Its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Risks

Dental Implant Its Advantages Disadvantages And Risks

As an option of loss of teeth for elders, tooth implant works effectively. In the treatment, artificial or surgical tooth devices are placed into the jaw for support. These devices act like anchors, beneath the gums, in the bone where they later fuse into the jawbone.

Dental implants are suggested by professional doctors and are also preferred by patients as they help in re-establishing the standard functionality of the lost tooth and also prevent loss of mass or strength of the bone.

Dental Implant: Its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Risks

Dental Implant Procedure

Problems Which Are Solved

The fundamental problem that the dental implant treatment solves is the replacement of the missing teeth; This helps in to provide a quite appealing look at and also boosts one’s confidence.

If someone is facing a similar problem of a missing tooth, it takes a toll on that person’s confidence. A missing tooth not only hampers the eating habits but also might make a person feel low in esteem. Therefore, dental implant solves this issue by replacing the lost tooth using medical procedures.

Generally, a bridge ruins the support or impairs the structure of the other healthy teeth, while in the case of a dental implant, no external support is required as they are placed directly into the jawbone.

In case, of bridges and braces, patients find it difficult to brush or chew food; This, in turn, will lead to tooth decay if not appropriately brushed. Therefore, dental implant removes all these backdrops and all the disadvantages related to bridges and braces.

Prevents the new teeth from loosening and also develops the structure of the teeth as a whole. Since the tooth is implanted in the jawbone, the chances of a loose tooth are reduced a lot.

Steps Involved In The Process

  1. Numbing the pain: the dentist provides local anesthesia to numb the pain as it is a surgical process. If anesthesia is not provided, then the patient will face tremendous pain while the surgery is going on.
  2. Access to the jaw bone: a small portion of the gum tissue is removed to access the jaw bone. After the jaw bone is spotted, it can be easily accessible for drilling and the placement of the implant is done.
  3. Establishing a pilot hole: a suitable temporary hole is placed as it provides an insight to the dentist to double check its orientation.
  4. Finalizing the pilot hole: as the last step, an X-ray is taken as a final check for assurance purpose whether its depth is enough for the length of the implant.


There are quite a lot of advantages of undergoing a dental implant treatment, a few of which are:

  • Improved appearance: loss of a tooth is pretty much a no when it comes to appearance. This problem is dealt with ease in this case.
  • Provides a boost to self-esteem
  • Provides improvement to oral health
  • It has excellent durability and strength
  • There is no restriction on food.


Every coin has two faces. So there exists both pros and cons to the implant treatment. The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Economically high: not affordable for everyone as the cost of treatment is a little high.
  • Insurances, however, do not cover the dental implant treatments, again adding to the disadvantages.
  • A slight chance of loss of bone around the implant.
  • Delay of time for bone integration.

Risks Involved

  • Could result in a reduced bone density after a while.
  • Might lead to a disease in the gum or inflation.

Implant treatment however risky it might seem to be, it is often recommended to get done. As the case is there is a slight chance of occurrence of the disadvantages mentioned above or risks which often are a cause of negligence as well.

Dr. Pushpa Sachdeva, an expert Best Dentist In Nairobi, recommends the dental implant treatment because it improves the overall appearance of the patient and boosts her confidence levels.

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With proper care after the treatment also leads to better health and also lower chances of risks. Rather than delaying the procedure or leaving the space empty, it is always better to get a dental implant treatment. It is an added benefit to health as well as a boost to confidence and appearance.

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