Disc Herniation Causes Symptoms Prevention And Cure

What Is Spinal Disc Herniation?

Disc herniation is a severe medical condition in which damage is caused on the ring of the intervertebral disc; This allows the central portion to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings, affecting the spine. It is also known as ‘slipped disc.’

Disc herniations are the development of a prior existing disc protrusion. Disc protrusion is a disease that can occur in some vertebrates, including humans; This is the condition in which the outermost layers of annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs of the spine are intact, but bulge out when one or more of the discs are under pressure.



How Is Spinal Disc Herniation Caused?

Disc herniation results from constant sitting or squatting, driving or general tear or wear, including the lifting of heavy loads.

It is also caused due to sudden or abrupt bending or torsional movements of the lower back, such moves are every day for professional athletes, and hence, they are prone to disc herniations.

With degeneration, contents of the disc, the nucleus pulposus, and annulus fibrosus are exposed to loads.

When nucleus becomes fibrous and is unable to bear the load, the load is transferred to the annulus, which, if it fails to carry the pressure, leads to the development of fissures that reach the periphery of the annulus, the nuclear material can pass through as a disc herniation. Several genes are connected with intervertebral disc degeneration.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms?

Depending on the area of the herniation and the types of soft tissues that are involved in the herniation, the symptoms can range from little or no pain to severe and unbearable neck pain or low back pain.

Former is the condition if the disc is the only tissue involved and the later will radiate into the regions through the nerve roots affected by herniated material.

Numbness, tingling, paresthesia, muscular weakness, paralysis, and affected reflexes are the other symptoms involved.

Unlike pulsating pain (which comes and goes) of muscle spasm, suffering from a herniated disc is continuous at least in a specific position of the body.

There are also the cases of no symptoms; if the extruded nucleus pulposus material does not press on soft tissues or nerves. For example, focal herniated discs in their cervical region do not cause noticeable symptoms.

If the prolapse presses on the spinal column or the cauda equina, both sides of the body may be affected leading to nerve damage, which in turn leads to loss of bowel and bladder control. This disorder is called cauda equina syndrome.


What Are The Prevention Techniques?

Pieces of Advice given below can help strengthen the spine, prevent nerve compression and the causes of premature spine degeneration.

  • Quit Smoking: Nicotine weakens the spinal disc and can lead to herniation.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Obesity creates pressure on the spine and accelerates spinal deterioration.
  • Practice Good Posture: Keeping the back straight, head forward and shoulders back is a good posture; This should be maintained while sitting and lying down too.
  • Safe Lifting Techniques: Keep your spine upright and lift with your legs. Wrong and improper procedures cause neck and back pain.
  • Exercise And Stretch: Exercise strengthens the support muscles in the neck and back while stretching increases your flexibility, Physical activity and avoiding laziness is the best way to maintain proper body weight, overcome injury and prevent further damage.

    Low-impact exercises include the prone press-ups, upper back extension, Transverse Abdominis bracing and floor bridges. Swimming is also useful for strength training.

How Can Spinal Disc Herniation Be Treated?

Initial treatment consists of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), but there is a possibility of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal toxicity.

  • Spinal Manipulation: Moderate quality evidence suggests spinal manipulation is more efficient than placebo for the treatment of acute (less than three months) lumbar disc herniation and acute sciatica.
  • Surgery: Surgery may be required in those with a herniated disc that is causing bladder problems, leg pain, leg weakness, or loss of bowel control.

Dr. Bryan Foss, a renowned Denver Chiropractor, highly recommends prone adjusting technique; This is an excellent method that moves specific vertebrate back into position instead of the spine as a whole.

There are chances that the vertebrate could shift again after the procedure. Some patients have issues that are best addressed with multiple chiropractic techniques. Individual addressing of each patient is better for preventative medicines that prevent the vertebrae from moving in future.

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